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ibis's Wiki - (Ruby)http-access2 Diff

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#   HTTPAccess2::Client -- Client to retrieve web resources via HTTP.
# How to create your client.
#   1. Create simple client.
#     clnt =
#   2. Accessing resources through HTTP proxy.
#     clnt ="http://myproxy:8080")
#   3. Set User-Agent and From in HTTP request header.(nil means "No proxy")
#     clnt =, "MyAgent", "")
# How to retrieve web resources.
#   1. Get content of specified URL.
#     puts clnt.get_content("")
#   2. Do HEAD request.
#     res = clnt.head(uri)
#   3. Do GET request with query.
#     res = clnt.get(uri)
#   4. Do POST request.
#     res =
#     res = clnt.get|post|head(uri, proxy)

  # = nil, agent_name = nil, from = nil)
  # ARGS
  #   proxy A String of HTTP proxy URL. ex. "http://proxy:8080".
  #   agent_name A String for "User-Agent" HTTP request header.
  #   from A String for "From" HTTP request header.
  #   Create an instance.
  #   SSLConfig cannot be re-initialized.  Create new client.

  #   Client#get_content(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block = nil)
  # ARGS
  #   uri an_URI or a_string of uri to connect.
  #   query a_hash or an_array of query part.  e.g. { "a" => "b" }.
  #   Give an array to pass multiple value like
  #   [["a" => "b"], ["a" => "c"]].
  #   extheader
  #   a_hash of extra headers like { "SOAPAction" => "urn:foo" }.
  #   &block Give a block to get chunked message-body of response like
  #   get_content(uri) { |chunked_body| ... }
  #   Size of each chunk may not be the same.
  #   Get a_sring of message-body of response.




